Möt vår Pastry Chef Zaid

En fusion av nordisk matkonst och fransk elegans

Där varje smula berättar en historia

Välkommen till en värld av söta frestelser och mästerliga skapelser där varje bit berättar en historia av passion och hantverksskicklighet. Vi är stolta över att presentera vår pastry chef Zaid, en konstnär i köket. Hans kreativitet lyser igenom i varje bakverk som serveras på vårt hotell och ni hittar även hans verk på systerhotellet Fritiden i Juicebaren samt konferensfikor. Från luftiga croissanter till bedårande petit fours, varje skapelse är en hyllning till den sanna konsten att baka. Låt dig förföras av en palett av smaker och upplev hur Zaid väcker magi till liv – ett bakverk i taget.

Beställ mästerliga bakverk

Ge er nästa fest den perfekta smakupplevelsen med våra exklusiva bakverk! Från magnifika tårtor till läckra desserter, vi skapar smakfulla mästerverk för alla tillfällen – studentfiranden, bröllop, kickoffs eller bara för att skämma bort kollegorna inför helgen! Låt oss ta hand om detaljerna medan ni njuter av varje läcker bit. Beställ nu för att lyfta ert evenemang till en smaksensation och festlig njutning!

Meet Zaid

”I’m originally from Palestine and have had the privilege of working in diverse culinary environments, including Sweden. My journey in the culinary world, especially as a pastry chef, has been driven by a passion for creating and sharing delightful desserts. Beyond baking, I find joy in exploring new cultures and cuisines, which I believe enriches my work and creativity.”

-What is the difference between pastries in Sweden versus other countries you have worked in?

Swedish pastries often embrace simplicity, focusing on high-quality local ingredients. The tradition of Fika highlights the cultural significance of these treats. In contrast, other countries I’ve worked in may prioritize bold flavors or sophisticated designs. I appreciate both approaches and I like to blend the best of each in my creations.

-Background and inspiration:

My passion for baking and desserts ignited early on when I was 8 years old, inspired by my mother and influenced by the rich culinary heritage of my family and homeland. Over the years, my biggest sources of inspiration have been my family’s traditions and the various mentors I’ve had the pleasure of working with. They’ve taught me the importance of patience, creativity, precision, and respect for ingredients.

-Creative Process:

When designing new desserts, my process begins with the ingredients. I like to start with something seasonal or a flavor that intrigues me and build around that. Balancing innovation and tradition comes down to respecting the roots of pastry art while not being afraid to experiment and adapt based on current trends and personal creativity.

-Technology and Education:

Precision is key in pastry, skills like accurate measurement and temperature control are very crucial. To stay updated, I regularly participate in workshops and follow industry leaders and innovators on social media and professional platforms. Continuous learning is essential in our field, as it evolves with new techniques and technologies.

-Challenges and Lessons Learned

One significant challenge was adapting to new cultural and culinary environments, which taught me the value of flexibility and open-mindedness. These experiences have not only refined my technical skills but also deepened my appreciation for the diverse world of pastry. They’ve reinforced that learning never stops and that every challenge is an opportunity to grow.

-Trends and Future:

The move towards sustainability and locally sourced ingredients is a trend I’m particularly excited about. It aligns with my belief in respecting our environment and supports local communities. Looking forward, I’m eager to explore more health-conscious dessert options, reflecting the growing demand for such choices among consumers.